Friday, 13 December 2013

Get adsence easy by youtube.

Lot of web site owner's dream to own a google adsence . But there are lot of rules & regulation ned to full fill to get Google adsence . Beside that google are more strict then past about Google adsence.

But still you can get google adsence & can be a partner of google easily. HOW !!!

The easy solution is you tube. you can get adsence by you tube easily.

Make a talking software by 1 minute

Today i am going to share a awesome tricks that you can make a talking software by 1 minut. I hope this tips will be useful & awesome to you.By the following direction you can able to talk your computer.

Friday, 6 December 2013

Ultimate SEO learning Part 1

We started a series of learning on : SEO , online marketing.. day by day the tutorial will be published just stay with us. We will make you top level seo expert.


Thursday, 5 December 2013

Odesk Email Etiquette Certification Test Answers for 2014 (letest)

Odesk Email Etiquette Certification Test Answers

Email Etiquette Certification is a well know test to measure a job candidates skill about Email. Actually remote job provider who work with remote freelancer they choice the candidates who have good score on Email Etiquette test. The man who pass Email Etiquette test they easily get remote VA , admin support , call center , blog admin & most relevant ad min support job. So pass the test & rich your freelancing marketplace profile. Note : This test is applicable for elance also.
So happy freelancing......
Q1. What should you do if you do not want to type your name at the end of every email you send?
a) Only sign emails which you send to business associates
b) Do not sign at all as people know who the email is from, courtesy your return email address
c) Include the ‘from’ information in the subject line so you can save the time of ‘signing’ the email
d) Create a signature that will get automatically attached to every email you send

Sunday, 1 December 2013

Let's explore the hidden gmail features

Do you know there are several awesome feature are in google mail that mean gmail . Maximum of us do not know the gmail features.That's why it's called hidden feature. lets explore 9 gmail hidden features .

## If you forget to attach : In the standard version of gamail during emailing if write "I have attached" or some thing like that & for got to attached your file & click send button but then mail do not send & that time will see a message "are you sure to send mail without attachment" ? It reminds your attachment.

## More id with hidden name : If you want to use hidden name then use just a dot(.) among your address.dont worry your maill will come . example:  >  >

  ## Color star :   You can mark any email impotent by "star mark" by default it is yellow marked. But if you want you can change its color . To change color you need to change setting which is under your profile picture. the command "in use" & "not in use" after selecting color save the setting & now your color will be changed .

## To Do task list : You can add your to do task in your gmail, it will help to your future task. And you can use it for your personal & corporate purpose. You can update your upcomming assignment or task on gmail

## Keyboard shortcut : There are some useful shortcut that helps you to use gmail without mouse these are given below : 

1. To send message : Ctrl + Enter

2. To open new window : Ctrl +

3. To send your mail carbon copy (CC)  : Ctrl + Shift + c

4. To send Blind carbon copy (BCC) : Ctrl + Shift + b

Note : use these shortcut  after click "compose mail "

## Advance shortcut : To full fill gmail user expectation it has some special advance shortcut. have a look it will increase your using experience .

1. To write new message : Press C

2. To write new message in new tab : press D

3. To search on gmail : press /

4. To replay any message : press r

5. To erase yout chat data : press #

## Open two gmail id in same browser : To open to gmail id in same browser click "ADD Ac count "  which is situated beside your log out option . then new tad will open then put your another id & pass and use .

## Use gmail on slog net speed : to use it when gmail loding then press "switch to a basic version" then your gmail will load quickly.

## Backup yout message : If you want to backup your important mail then on the setting option select "Forwarding and POP/IMAP" Then your can backup your mail to your desktop as you wish.