Sunday, 1 December 2013

Let's explore the hidden gmail features

Do you know there are several awesome feature are in google mail that mean gmail . Maximum of us do not know the gmail features.That's why it's called hidden feature. lets explore 9 gmail hidden features .

## If you forget to attach : In the standard version of gamail during emailing if write "I have attached" or some thing like that & for got to attached your file & click send button but then mail do not send & that time will see a message "are you sure to send mail without attachment" ? It reminds your attachment.

## More id with hidden name : If you want to use hidden name then use just a dot(.) among your address.dont worry your maill will come . example:  >  >

  ## Color star :   You can mark any email impotent by "star mark" by default it is yellow marked. But if you want you can change its color . To change color you need to change setting which is under your profile picture. the command "in use" & "not in use" after selecting color save the setting & now your color will be changed .

## To Do task list : You can add your to do task in your gmail, it will help to your future task. And you can use it for your personal & corporate purpose. You can update your upcomming assignment or task on gmail

## Keyboard shortcut : There are some useful shortcut that helps you to use gmail without mouse these are given below : 

1. To send message : Ctrl + Enter

2. To open new window : Ctrl +

3. To send your mail carbon copy (CC)  : Ctrl + Shift + c

4. To send Blind carbon copy (BCC) : Ctrl + Shift + b

Note : use these shortcut  after click "compose mail "

## Advance shortcut : To full fill gmail user expectation it has some special advance shortcut. have a look it will increase your using experience .

1. To write new message : Press C

2. To write new message in new tab : press D

3. To search on gmail : press /

4. To replay any message : press r

5. To erase yout chat data : press #

## Open two gmail id in same browser : To open to gmail id in same browser click "ADD Ac count "  which is situated beside your log out option . then new tad will open then put your another id & pass and use .

## Use gmail on slog net speed : to use it when gmail loding then press "switch to a basic version" then your gmail will load quickly.

## Backup yout message : If you want to backup your important mail then on the setting option select "Forwarding and POP/IMAP" Then your can backup your mail to your desktop as you wish.

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